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💼 基礎應用🟦 數位行銷

🟦 數位行銷

最後更新於August 7, 2024,作者:桑德舒爾霍夫


  • 關鍵字研究
  • 行銷通路研究
  • 調整網頁標籤和 PPC 廣告
  • 提示產生部落格文章圖片
  • 技術搜尋引擎優化



PROMPT: Generate a list of keywords related to Pez dispensers.
PROMPT: Generate a cluster of keywords related to Pez dispensers, and organize with column headings for the cluster, the keyword, and the search intent.
PROMPT: Generate a list of long-tail keywords related to Pez dispensers.



數位行銷人員最重要的事情之一是如何分配他們的時間和資源到不同的行銷渠道。一個 AI 聊天機器人可以立即為您提供有關哪些行銷渠道對特定客戶和產品效果最佳的見解。請考慮以下提示(為了簡潔起見,排除“擔任高級數位行銷顧問”的角色)。一旦您確定了行銷渠道,您可以深入研究每個渠道,以確定相應的策略和內容。

PROMPT: For a client wishing to promote their Pez dispenser portraying MrBeast, with a budget of $100000, generate a table showing how much money should be spent on which marketing channels. Use columns for the marketing channel, the budget allocation, and the reasoning behind it.
PROMPT: List some strategies to identify Instagram influencers that can help market the MrBeast Pez dispenser.
PROMPT: Create an introductory email to [influencer name], to ask them about initiating a partnership and referencing some of their tweets at[influencer]. [requires Web Browser plugin]
PROMPT: List the top hashtags on Twitter relating to Pez dispensers.


Here are some popular hashtags on Twitter related to Pez dispensers:


調整網頁標籤和 PPC 廣告

AI聊天機器人是一個理想的工具,可以協助生成符合 SEO 和 PPC 廣告活動限制的文本:

PROMPT: Generate a table with 5 snappy title tag options with SEO power words for a blog article announcing a new Pez dispenser portraying MrBeast. Each title should be fewer than 60 characters in length and incorporate the SEO keyword "celebrity Pez dispenser."  Add a column to display the 5 corresponding meta descriptions, which must also incorporate the same SEO keyword and a call to action.
PROMPT: Generate 5 compelling headlines, each fewer than 30 characters long, for a Google responsive search ad about collectible Pez dispensers
PROMPT: Generate 5 three-word calls to action for a new campaign announcing Pez dispenser portraying MrBeast


隨著 Midjourney、DALL-E 和 Stable Diffusion 等工具的出現,設計師現在可以使用提示工程來生成圖像。但是,如果您對這些提示的語法和技術不熟悉,您可以簡單地向 AI 聊天機器人請教一組文本到圖像的提示,然後在您偏好的 AI 圖像生成工具上嘗試。請注意,Midjourney 是在 ChatGPT 的知識截止日期之後的2021年9月釋出的。

PROMPT: Generate 5 concepts for an illustration to accompany a blog article announcing a new Pez dispenser portraying MrBeast [or paste in blog article].
PROMPT: Generate 5 text-to-image prompts for DALL-E to create dramatic images that convey concept #3 from my earlier prompt.


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Certainly! Here are five text-to-image prompts for DALL·E to create dramatic images conveying concept #3:

1. "A majestic procession of Pez dispenser characters marches behind MrBeast, led by the new MrBeast Pez dispenser, symbolizing the rise of a legendary collection."
2. "Surrounded by a radiant aura, MrBeast holds the new Pez dispenser as a beam of light illuminates a room filled with awe-inspiring Pez characters, signifying the power of a legendary addition."
3. "In an epic clash of Pez dispenser heroes, the new MrBeast Pez dispenser stands tall, embodying strength and courage in the face of adversity."
4. "A storm of Pez candies swirls around MrBeast, forming a vortex of excitement and anticipation, as the new Pez dispenser takes center stage in an exhilarating display."
5. "Silhouetted against a fiery backdrop, MrBeast unveils the new Pez dispenser, its glow radiating hope and inspiration, symbolizing a new era of Pez collecting."
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就像開發者使用AI聊天機器人來生成和調試程式碼一樣,數位營銷人員可以使用聊天機器人來分析和調試技術性的 SEO 問題:

PROMPT: Based on these request and response headers, why isn't Cloudflare returning this web page from its cache? [paste in headers from Chrome Dev Tools]
PROMPT: Based on the rules at, generate some schema in JSON for how to make a sandwich.
PROMPT: What patterns can you identify in this data set, which is an export of Google Search Console data for 3 months for a company that sells collectible Pez dispensers? [paste Google Sheets URL if your chatbot has web access, otherwise paste CSV data]
PROMPT: What is a regular expression to identify any search query that includes the singular or plural versions of the words "collectible" or "celebrity"


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To identify search queries that include the singular or plural versions of the words "collectible" or "celebrity" using regular expressions, you can use the following pattern:

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Contributed by Prompt Yes!, a company offering prompt engineering courses.

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