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🧙‍♂️ 進階🟦 知識的生成

🟦 知識的生成

最後更新於August 7, 2024,作者:桑德舒爾霍夫

生成知識方法(@liu2021 generated)背後的想法是要求 LLM 在生成最終回應之前產生有關給定問題/提示的潛在有用資訊。

例如,假設您想寫一篇關於某種動物的部落格文章,例如靈熊。在要求 LLM 撰寫部落格文章之前,您可以要求它產生一些有關靈熊的事實。這將有助於 LLM 撰寫內容更豐富的部落格文章。有兩種簡單的方法可以解決這個問題。


第一種方法要求 LLM 產生知識,然後撰寫文章,所有這些都通過一個提示。

Generate 4 facts about the Kermode bear, then use these facts to write a short blog post using the information:

The Kermode bear, also known as the spirit bear, is a rare subspecies of the American black bear that is found in the coastal regions of British Columbia, Canada.

1. The Kermode bear is a unique subspecies of the American black bear, with approximately 10% of the population having white fur.

2. The Kermode bear is a symbol of the First Nations people of British Columbia, and is seen as a spirit animal.

3. The Kermode bear is an important part of the ecosystem, helping to disperse seeds and maintain the balance of the forest.

4. The Kermode bear is a protected species, and its population is monitored closely by the provincial government.

The Kermode bear is a unique and special animal that is found in the coastal regions of British Columbia, Canada. Approximately 10% of the population of this subspecies of the American black bear have white fur, making them a rare sight. The Kermode bear is a symbol of the First Nations people of British Columbia, and is seen as a spirit animal. It is an important part of the ecosystem, helping to disperse seeds and maintain the balance of the forest. The Kermode bear is a protected species, and its population is monitored closely by the provincial government. It is a beautiful and majestic animal, and it is important that we do our part to protect and conserve this species.


在這種方法中,我們首先提示 LLM 產生有關熊的事實:

Generate 10 facts about the Kermode bear:

1. The Kermode bear, also known as the Spirit Bear, is a rare subspecies of the American black bear found in British Columbia, Canada.

2. The Kermode bear has a unique white or cream-colored coat, which is caused by a recessive gene.

3. The Kermode bear is a symbol of hope and renewal for the First Nations people of British Columbia.

4. The Kermode bear is a protected species and is listed as a species of special concern by the Committee on the Status of Endangered Wildlife in Canada.


1. The Kermode bear, also known as the Spirit Bear, is a rare subspecies of the American black bear found in British Columbia, Canada.

2. The Kermode bear has a unique white or cream-colored coat, which is caused by a recessive gene.

3. The Kermode bear is a symbol of hope and renewal for the First Nations people of British Columbia.

4. The Kermode bear is a protected species and is listed as a species of special concern by the Committee on the Status of Endangered Wildlife in Canada.

Use the above facts to write a one paragraph blog post about the Kermode bear:

The Kermode bear, also known as the Spirit Bear, is a rare subspecies of the American black bear found in British Columbia, Canada. This unique bear has a white or cream-colored coat, caused by a recessive gene, and is a symbol of hope and renewal for the First Nations people of British Columbia. The Kermode bear is a protected species and is listed as a species of special concern by the Committee on the Status of Endangered Wildlife in Canada, making it an important part of the region's biodiversity.



生成知識方法實際上是為了一項完全不同的任務而引入的,也就是回答困難的問題。考慮以下 GPT-3 也回答不正確的問題:


如果我們首先要求 LLM 產生有關剛果和南非的事實,那麼我們就可以使用這些資訊來正確回答問題。理論上,這類似於 CoT,因為我們有效地讓 LLM 以相關事實的形式產生中間推理。

讓我們從第一步開始,知識生成。我們可以要求 LLM 產生有關剛果和南非的事實:

接下來,讓我們利用這些知識來正確回答問題。這是 知識統整 步驟!



Generated Knowledge (Liu et al.)


在知識生成步驟中,LLM 被要求關於問題產生一組事實。 LLM 以 few-shot 的方式進行提示,如下所示。

使用相同的提示產生多個不同的回應(類似於 self-consistency 方法)。

Generated Knowledge Example (Liu et al.)


接下來,我們產生「知識增強」問題並用它們提示 LLM 以獲得最終答案。理解這一點的最簡單方法是透過一個例子。

假設我們正在嘗試回答問題: "Most Kangaroos have



假設在知識生成步驟下我們產生了 2 個知識(M=2):

  • Knowledge 1: Kangaroos are marsupials that live in Australia.

  • Knowledge 2: Kangaroos are marsupials that have 5 limbs.


  • Knowledge Augmented Question 1: `Most Kangaroos have

limbs. Kangaroos are marsupials that live in Australia.`

  • Knowledge Augmented Question 2: `Most Kangaroos have

limbs. Kangaroos are marsupials that have 5 limbs.`


  • Answer 1: 4

  • Answer 2: 5

我們選擇機率最大的答案作為最終答案。這最高機率可以是答案令牌的 softmax 機率,或者記錄答案令牌的機率。



這裡的想法是使用 few shot 提示讓 LLM 在 same 步驟中生成資訊 and 答案。事實上,它是在同一步驟中 reciting/generating 知識和回答問題,這是與生成知識方法的主要區別。



  • 產生的知識顯示了各種常識資料集的改進。

  • 與所選答案對應的知識稱為所選知識

  • 實際上,您可以將最常出現的答案作為最終答案。

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