Advanced Prompt Engineering
1 Week
Learn how to craft Complex and Efficient Prompts for Sophisticated AI Applications.
Course Overview
Learn how to craft Complex and Efficient Prompts for Sophisticated AI Applications.
What will you learn?
Advanced Prompting
The most advanced prompting techniques, from research.
Skills you will gain
Meet Your Instructor
Sander Schulhoff
Founder & CEO, Learn Prompting
As a researcher, he has authored multiple award-winning papers alongside experts from OpenAI, Microsoft, ScaleAI, the Federal Reserve, HuggingFace, and others. His paper on HackAPrompt was awarded Best Paper at EMNLP 2023 (selected out of 20,000 submitted papers), cited by OpenAI in their paper on mitigating prompt injections, and used by teams at OpenAI, Amazon, and ArthurAI. His most recent research paper, The Prompt Report, co-authored with researchers from OpenAI and Microsoft, has quickly become the latest foundational prompting paper in the field, just weeks after its launch.
Course Syllabus
In-Context Learning
Basics of Few-Shot Prompting
Factors Influencing Performance in Few-Shot In-Context Learning
Self-Generated In-context Learning Prompting (SG-ICL)
Thought Generation Prompting
Basics of Thought Generation Prompting
Chain-of-Thought Prompting (CoT)
Thread-of-Thought Prompting (ThoT)
Contrastive Chain-of-Thought Prompting (CCoT)
Self-Ask Prompting (SA)
Tabular Chain of Thought Prompting (Tab-CoT)
Problem Decomposition Prompting
Basics of Problem Decomposition Prompting
Least-to-Most Prompting (LtM)
Plan-and-Solve Prompting (PaS)
Program-of-Thoughts Prompting (PoTh)
Self-Criticism Prompting
Basics of Self-Criticism Prompting
Self-Evaluation Prompting (SE)
Self-Refine Prompting (SR)
Chain-of-Verification Prompting (COVE)
System 2 Attention Prompting (S2A)
Rephrase and Respond Prompting (RaR)
Re-reading Prompting (RE2)