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를 추가함으로써 아래 리포트의 정보를 추출 할 수 있을 것입니다.
In a recent business report presentation, the CEO of Zana Corp. highlighted their remarkable growth in the past fiscal year. She shared that the company experienced a 15% increase in revenue, reaching $50 million, with a 12% profit margin ($6 million in net profit). The report also showcased a 20% growth in their customer base, now totaling 100,000 customers. Additionally, the company's operating expenses went up by 10%, amounting to $10 million, while the employee headcount increased by 25%, resulting in a current workforce of 500 employees.
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ChatGPT는 아마도 아래와 같은 테이블을 출력할 것입니다:
Metric | Value |
Revenue | $50 million |
Profit Margin | 12% |
Net Profit | $6 million |
Customer Base | 100,000 |
Operating Expenses | $10 million |
Employee Headcount | 500 |
Revenue Increase | 15% |
Customer Increase | 20% |
Operating Expenses Increase | 10% |
Employee Headcount Increase | 25% |
이것들을 엑셀이나 파워포인트 등의 스프레드시트에 복사하고 붙여넣을 수 있을 것입니다.
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