Announcing our new Paper: The Prompt Report, with Co-authors from OpenAI & Microsoft!
Check it out →LangChain is a Python library that provides various functionality for building and chaining prompts.
LangChain allows for easy provider switching, standardizes interactions with LLMs, and provides agents for things like symbolic reasoning and MRKL architectures1.
LangChain plans to add a graphical user interface in the future.
Karpas, E., Abend, O., Belinkov, Y., Lenz, B., Lieber, O., Ratner, N., Shoham, Y., Bata, H., Levine, Y., Leyton-Brown, K., Muhlgay, D., Rozen, N., Schwartz, E., Shachaf, G., Shalev-Shwartz, S., Shashua, A., & Tenenholtz, M. (2022). ↩
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