程式輔助語言模型(Program-aided Language Models, PAL) 是另一個 MRKL 系統的例子。給定一個問題,PAL 能夠編寫程式碼解決這個問題。它將程式碼傳送到程式設計執行時以獲得結果。PAL 的中間推理是程式碼,而 CoT 的是自然語言。
需要注意的是,PAL 實際上交織了自然語言(NL)和程式碼。上面的圖片中,藍色的是 PAL 生成的自然語言推理。雖然圖中沒有顯示,PAL 實際上在每行自然語言推理前生成'#',以便程式設計執行時將其解釋為註釋。
讓我們看一個 PAL 解決數學問題的例子。我使用了一個三樣本的提示,這是這個提示的簡化版本。
我將使用 langchain
,這是一個用於連結 LLM 功能的 Python 套件包。首先,需要安裝一些套件:
!pip install langchain==0.0.26
!pip install openai
from langchain.llms import OpenAI
import os
os.environ["OPENAI_API_KEY"] = "sk-YOUR_KEY_HERE"
然後,我們可以建立一個 GPT-3 davinci-002
的 llm
實例(當使用此物件時會進行 API 呼叫):
llm = OpenAI(model_name='text-davinci-002', temperature=0)
Q: There were nine computers in the server room. Five more computers were installed each day, from monday to thursday. How many computers are now in the server room?
# solution in Python:
"""There were nine computers in the server room. Five more computers were installed each day, from monday to thursday. How many computers are now in the server room?"""
computers_initial = 9
computers_per_day = 5
num_days = 4 # 4 days between monday and thursday
computers_added = computers_per_day * num_days
computers_total = computers_initial + computers_added
result = computers_total
return result
Q: Shawn has five toys. For Christmas, he got two toys each from his mom and dad. How many toys does he have now?
# solution in Python:
"""Shawn has five toys. For Christmas, he got two toys each from his mom and dad. How many toys does he have now?"""
toys_initial = 5
mom_toys = 2
dad_toys = 2
total_received = mom_toys + dad_toys
total_toys = toys_initial + total_received
result = total_toys
Q: Jason had 20 lollipops. He gave Denny some lollipops. Now Jason has 12 lollipops. How many lollipops did Jason give to Denny?
# solution in Python:
"""Jason had 20 lollipops. He gave Denny some lollipops. Now Jason has 12 lollipops. How many lollipops did Jason give to Denny?"""
jason_lollipops_initial = 20
jason_lollipops_after = 12
denny_lollipops = jason_lollipops_initial - jason_lollipops_after
result = denny_lollipops
Q: {question}
# solution in Python:
現在我們可以將組合好的提示傳遞給 GPT-3。
llm_out = llm(MATH_PROMPT.format(question=question))
"""Emma took a 60 minute plane ride to seattle. She then took a 2 hour train
ride to portland, and then a 30 minute bus ride to vancouver. How long did
it take her to get to vancouver?"""
plane_ride = 60
train_ride = 2 * 60 # 2 hours in minutes
bus_ride = 30
total_time = plane_ride + train_ride + bus_ride
result = total_time
最後,我們可以將這段程式碼傳遞給 Python 執行時以獲得答案:
輸出是 210,這是正確的答案。
可以在 Jupyter 筆記本檢視這個例子。
也可以看看 PAL's colab example.